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Kindly notice some sort of change in the second word of each pair :-

(1) Tree ---- Trees..... ....(3) Ox ---- Oxen
(2) Box ---- Boxes...... ....(4) Man ---- Men

Here the if you see you would find that , the first word of each pair denotes 'one' thing , where as second word denotes 'more than one' .

A Noun that denotes one person or thing is said to be in the Singular Number ; as ,
Boy , girl , cow , bird , tree , book , etc ......

A Noun that denotes more than one person or thing is said to be in the Plural Number ; as ,
Boys , girls , cows , birds , trees , books , etc ......

::::::::::::::::::::::::: How plurals are formed :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

(1) The plural of nouns are generally formed by adding -s to the singular as ; as ,
(1) Boy---boys ; (2) Girl---girl ; (3) Book---books ; ......etc...

(2) But nouns ending in -s , -sh , -ch (soft) , or -x form plural by adding -es to the singular ; as ,
(1) Class---- classes ; (2) Kiss ---- kisses ; (3) Dish ---- dishes ; (4) Brush ---- brushes ; ... etc

(3) Generally most of the nouns ending in -o also form plural by adding -es to the singular ; as ,
(1) Buffalo ---- buffaloes ; (2) mango ---- mangoes ; (3) hero ---- heroes ; (4) echo --- echoes ;

(4) A few nouns ending in -o , generally those which are in less common use , add -s ; as ,
(1) dynamo---- dynamoes ; (2) solo ---- solos ; (3) ratio --- ratios ; (4) canto --- cantoes ;

(5) Nouns ending in -y , preceded by a consonant , form their plural by changing -y into -i and adding -es ; as ,
(1) Lady --- ladies ; (2) army --- armies ; (3) story --- stories ; (4) baby --- babies ;

(6) Several nouns ending in -f or -fe form their plural by changing -f or -fe into v and adding -es ; as ,
(1) Theif --- theives ; (2) wife --- wives ; (3) wolf --- wolves ; (4) life --- lives ;

But generally , though above rules follows very well , but exceptions do come in it ......

Few nouns form their plural by changing the inside vowel of the singular ; as ,
Man --- men , woman --- women , foot --- feet ;

Some nouns have the singular and plural alike ;
as , Swine , sheep , deer , thousand , pair .....etc......

Some are used only as a plural ; as ,
Bellows , tongs , spectacles ;

Some nouns originally singular are now used as plural ; as ,
riches , eaves , alms ;

The following plural forms are commonly used in singular :-
Mathematics , physics , mechanics , politics , news ;

Certain Collective Nouns , though singular in the form are always used as plural ; as ,
Poultry , cattle , people , vermin ;

Letters and symbols are made plural by adding an apostrophe and s ; as ,
for example :- (1) Add two 5's and four 2's . ; (2) There are more e's than a's in this page .
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Gender comes from a Latin word genus , which means kind or sort .

Suppose take an example :-
(1) Boy ---- Girl
(2) Hero ---- Heroine

What do you notice ?.

The first word of above two example is a male .
The second word of above two example is a female .

Therefore we conclude that :
A noun that denotes a male is said to be the Masculine Gender .
A noun that denotes a female is said to be the Feminine Gender .

A noun that denotes either a female or a male is said to be of the Common Gender ; as ,
Parent , child , friend , pupil , servant , enemy , cousin , infant , neighbour , person , student etc..

A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is said to be of Neutral Gender ; as ,
Book , pen , room , tree etc ..

Gender has nothing to do with the form of a noun , it is entirely a matter of sex or the absense of sex . Collective nouns , even when they denote living beings , are considered of the neutral gender . Young children and the lower animals are also referred to as of the neutral gender .

Objects generally without life are sometimes spoken as if they are living beings. For example:-

The Masculine Gender is often applied to objects which signifies strength and violence ; as ,
........ The sun sheds his beams on rich and poor alike .

The Feminine Gender is generally applied to objects which signifies beauty and gentleness ; as ,
....... The moon has hidden her face behind a cloud .

This type of usage is most common in the poetry ; as ,

A ship is always used as a she ; as ,
......... The ship lost all her boats in the storm .

::::::::::: Ways of forming Feminine of Nouns ::::::::::::::

There are generally three ways of forming the Feminine of Nouns :-

(1) By using a entirely different word ; as ,

.... Boy to Girl
.... Brother to Sister
.... Dog to bitch
.... Cock to hen
.... Husband to wife
.... King to queen
.... Papa to mamma ..... etc ....

(2) By adding a syllable ( -ess , -ine , -trix , -a , etc .) as ,

.... Author to authoress (-ess )
.... Host to hostess ( -ess )
.... Lion to lioness ( -ess )
.... Actor to actress ( -ess )
.... Hero to heroine ( -ine )
.... Administrator to administratrix ( -trix )
.... Executor to executrix ( -trix )
.... Sultan to sultana ( -a )
.... Signor to signora ( -a )

(3) By placing a word before or after ; as ,

.... Bull-calf to cow-calf
.... Cock-sparrow to hen-sparrow
.... Grandfather to grandmother
.... Peacock to peahen
.... Milkman to milkmaid .... etc .....
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A Noun is a word used as the name of a person , place or thing .

Look at the following sentence :-

........ Asoka was a wise king .

The noun Asoka refers to a particular king , but the noun king might be applied to any king as well as to Asoka .

We call Asoka a 'Proper Noun' , and king a 'Common Noun' .


Sita is a Proper Noun , while girl is a Common Noun .
Hari is a Proper Noun , while boy is a Common Noun .

The word girl is a Common Noun because it is a name common to all the girls , while Sita is a Proper Noun because it is a name of a particular girl .
A Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of same class or kind. Common here means shared by all .
A Proper Noun is a name of some particular person or place .

Note - Proper Noun are always written with a capital letter at the beginning .
Note - Proper Noun are sometimes used as Common Nouns ; as ,

......... He was the Lukman ( = the wisest man ) of his age .
......... Kalidas is often called the Shakespeare ( = the greatest dramatist ) of India .

Common Nouns include what are called Collective Nouns and Abstract Nouns .
A Collective Noun is the name of a number ( or collection ) of persons or thing taken together and spoken of as one whole ; as ,
Crowd , mob , team , flock , herd , army , fleet , jury , family etc.

............... The police dispersed the crowd .
........ The French army was defeated at Waterloo .

An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality , action or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs ; as ,

Quality :- Goodness , kindness , darkness , brightness , honesty , wisdom , bravery .
Action :- Laughter , theft , movement , judgement , hatred .
State :- Childhood , boyhood , youth , slavery , sleep , sickness , poverty .

Abstract Nouns are formed -

(1) From Adjectives ; as ,.... Kindness from kind ; honesty from honest .

(2) From Verbs ; as ,.... Obedience from obey ; growth from grow .

(3) From Common Nouns ; as ,.... Childhood from child ; slavery from slave .
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Words are divided into different kinds or classes , called Parts of Speech , according to their use ; that is , according to the work they do in a sentence .

The parts of Speech are eight in numbers :-

(1) NOUN :- A Noun is a word used as the name of a person , place , or thing ; as ,

......... Akbar was a great King .
.......... Calcutta is on the Hooghly .
......... The rose smells sweet .
......... His courage won him honour .

(2) ADJECTIVE :- An Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun ; as ,

......... He is a brave boy .
.......... There are twenty boys in this class .

(3) PRONOUN :- A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun ; as ,

......... John is absent , because he is ill .
.......... The books are where you left them .

(4) VERB :- A Verb is a used to say something about some person , place or thing ; as ,

.............. The girl wrote a letter to her cousin .
.............. Calcutta is a big town .
.............. Iron and copper are useful metals .

(5) ADVERB :- An Adverb is a word to add something to the meaning of a verb , an adjective , or another adverb ; as ,

........... He worked the sum quickly .
........... This flower is very beautiful .
........... She pronounced the word quiet correctly .

(6) PREPOSITION :- A Preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else ; as ,

............. There is a cow in the garden .
.............. The girl is fond of music .
.............. A fair little girl sat under a tree .

(7) CONJUNCTION :- A Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentences ; as ,

.......... Rama and Hari are cousins .
.......... I ran fast , but missed the train .

(8) INTERJECTION :- An Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling ; as ,

.......... Hurrah ! we have won the game .
........... Alas ! she is dead .

Thus different parts of Speech are used , according to their use in the sentence .
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There are group of words which make sense , but say they do not make complete sense .
Such a group of words , which makes sense , but not complete sense , is called a Phrase .

In the following sentences , the groups of words in italics are phrases :-

........ The sun rises in the east
......... Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
......... There came a giant to my door
......... It was sunset of great beauty
......... The tops of the mountains were covered with snow
......... Show me how to do it .

Examine the groups of words in the italics in the following sentences : -

....... He has a chain of gold .
....... He has a chain which is made of gold .

We recognise the first group of words as a Phrase .
The second group of words , unlike the phrase of gold , contains a Subject ( which ) and a Predicate ( is made of gold ) , is called a Clause .

In the following sentences , the groups of words in italics are Clauses :-

......... People who pay their debts are trusted .
......... We cannot start while it is raining .
........ I think that you have made a mistake .
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When we make a sentence -

(1) We name some person or thing ; and

(2) say something about that person or thing .

In other words , we must have a 'subject' to speak about and we must say or 'predicate' something about that subject.

Hence every subject has two parts -

(1) The part which names the person or thing we are speaking about . This is called the 'Subject' of the sentence .

(2) The part which tells something about the subject . This is called the 'Predicate' of the sentence ....

The Subject of a sentence usually comes first , but occasionally it is put after the Predicate ; as ,

......... Down went the Royal George
........... Sweet are the uses of adversity.

In Imperative sentences the Subject is left out ; as ,

.......... Sit down [ Here the Subject 'you' is understood .]
........... Thank him. [ Here too the Subject 'you' understood.]
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1. When we speak or write we use words . We generally use these words in groups ; as ,

........Little Jack Horner sat in a corner.

A group of words like this , which makes complete sense , is called a Sentence .


2. Sentences are of four kinds:-

(1) Those which make statements or assertions ; as ,

........ Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

(2) Those which ask question ; as ,

.......... Where do you live ?

(3) Those which express commands , requests , or entreaties ; as ,
.............. Be quiet.

(4) Those which express strong feelings ; as ,

............ How very cold the night is !
.............. What a shame !

A sentence that makes statements or assertion is called a 'Declarative' or 'Assertive' sentence.

A sentence that asks a question is called an 'Interrogative' sentence .

A sentence that expresses a command or an entreaty is called an 'Imperative' sentence .

A sentence that expresses strong feeling is called an 'Exclamatory' sentence .
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